Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pondering French Food

I love cooking. It's so much fun to create something tasty and have people go "ooohhh, mmmm, this is sooooo good!" Yeah, I'm in it for the praise! I gotta get the compliments or it's not worth it! But I do enjoy making and trying new recipes. Some of my favorite food is usually overloaded with spices and the combination of unique flavors like, Greek, Thai or India. But ever since I watched the movie "Julie & Julia", I've been wanting French food. I've had it once atCafe Provencal in St. Louis and it was délicieux, but I haven't found a true French restaurant in Huntsville yet. There is one called "D&L Bistro" that seems enticing. It's a bit pricey, but their menu looks fantastic. If I go there, I'll let you all know my review.

So, after excitedly watching and laughing through the whole movie, I'm determined that I'm going to start a collection of cookbooks in all food cultures. First on my list is a French cook book. Maybe Julia Childs, but they are NOT cheap! and they're HUGE! Let's start smaller. I want beautiful pictures of every meal that show you what your creation is SUPPOSED to look like, even though it never really does! Then, to add to my collection I want a German cookbook, Greek, Indian, Thai… the list continues. I don't want some watered-down, quickie "American version". I want the real thing done the right way! Then I shall invite everyone over for a dinner party!


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