Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sticky Note Project: Week 22

Back on track... it's been 4 WEEKS since I've last updated this poor blog! It's amazing how quickly one month ends and another sneaks up on you. Luckily, I've had time to squeeze in some doodles during my lunch breaks. I've been stocking up the last months drawings on my desk, anxiously waiting to update them. I have a freelance magazine project that I've been intensely working on for the last two months, approved and is printing away this week! Whoo Hoo! Spring and freedom have FINALLY arrived!

I've noticed that my blank sticky note pile is dwindling down; hopefully I'll make it to August! I really wanted to make a full year out of them. But take a look at this stack of finished images! I've finally hit 100 images this week too!

I totally forgot I had this image saved away on my phone that I discovered on some old work notes...

On to Week 22: